Patent Law in Nepal
What is a Patent?
Under the Patent Law in Nepal, a patent is defined as “any useful invention relating to a new method of process or manufacture, operation or transmission of any material or a combination of materials, or that made on the basis of a new theory or formula.” Patents protect new inventions that are novel, non-obvious, and have industrial applicability. They grant...

Industrial Design Law in Nepal
What is a design in Nepal?
Under Nepali law, specifically the Patent, Design and Trade Mark Act 2022 (1965), a “design” is defined as the form or shape of any material manufactured in any manner. This encompasses the visual features of a product, including its shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation. The design must be applied to an article through an industrial process...

Intellectual Property Law in Nepal
An Overview of Intellectual Property Law in Nepal
Intellectual property (IP) law in Nepal is primarily governed by two key pieces of legislation – the Copyright Act 2002 and the Patent, Design and Trademark Act 1965. These laws provide the legal framework for protecting various forms of intellectual property rights in the country. The Copyright Act covers literary, artistic and other...

IP Licensing, Enforcement and Investigation in Nepal
What is IP Licensing?
Intellectual property (IP) licensing refers to the practice of authorizing third parties to use, manufacture, sell or distribute IP assets such as patents, trademarks, designs or copyrights in exchange for agreed-upon compensation. Through licensing, IP owners can monetize their intangible assets while retaining ownership rights. Licensees gain legal permission to...

The Copyright Act, 2002
The Copyright Act, 2059 (2002) is the primary legislation governing copyright protection in Nepal. Its Major Provisions are:
Automatic copyright protection without requiring registration
Protection of both economic and moral rights of authors
Rights granted to performers, producers and broadcasting organizations
Copyright term of life of author plus 50 years after death...

Trademark Law in Nepal
What is a Trademark Law in Nepal?
A trademark is defined the trademark law in nepal, as a word, symbol, picture or combination thereof used by a firm, company or individual to distinguish their products or services from those of others. According to Section 2(c) of the Patent, Design and Trade Mark Act, 2022 (1965) of Nepal, a “trade-mark” means any word, symbol, or picture or...

The Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 1965
The Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 1965 (PDTA) stands as the cornerstone legislation governing intellectual property rights related to patents, designs, and trademarks in Nepal. Enacted in 1965 (2022 B.S.), this Act provides the legal framework for registering, protecting, and enforcing these crucial forms of intellectual property within the Nepalese jurisdiction.
What is the Patent,...
Trademark Registration in Nepal | Trademark Lawyer in Nepal
Trademark Registration in Nepal typically takes around 12-15 months. Once registered, the trademark remains valid for 7 years from the registration date. The Department of Industry (DOI), under the Ministry of Industry, is responsible for the registration and management of trademarks in the country.
For foreign trademarks, an additional registration process is required, either in the home...
Copyright Law in Nepal
Introduction to Copyright Law in Nepal
Copyright is a legal right granted to the creator of an original work, giving them exclusive control over its
distribution and use. In Nepal, the Copyright Act of 2059 B.S. defines a “Copyright Work” as any original
and intellectual work in literature, art, science, or any other field. The author of such a work is known as