Profit Not Distributing Company Registration in Nepal
A profit not distributing company (PND) in Nepal is a unique type of legal entity that operates with social objectives rather than for commercial profit. This article provides a comprehensive overview of PND companies in Nepal, including their definition, objectives, registration process, legal requirements, and compliance obligations.
What is a company not distributing profits?
NGO and INGO Lawyer in Nepal
NGO/INGO lawyers in Nepal specialize in providing legal services to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) operating in the country. Our lawyers have expertise in the laws, regulations, and processes governing the establishment and operation of NGOs and INGOs in Nepal.
The primary laws regulating NGOs and INGOs in Nepal are the...
NGO and INGO Law in Nepal
What are NGOs & INGOs?
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are considered to be independent corporate associations as per NGO and INGO Law in Nepal. NGOs are non-profit organizations that operate independently from the government to address social or community issues. They are typically formed by Nepali citizens and work at the...
NGO & INGO Compliance and Renewal in Nepal
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the compliance obligations and renewal steps for NGO and INGO Compliance in Nepal. These organizations must adhere to various compliance requirements and renewal processes mandated by Nepalese law.
How to Renew NGOs & INGOs in Nepal?
Step 1: Preparation of Required Documents
Step 2: Submission of Application to DAO
Step 3:...
NGO Registration in Nepal
NGO Registration in Nepal/ Registration of Non-Government Organization in Nepal/ Registration of Profit Not Distributing Company in Nepal
Non-Government Organization (NGO)
What is a non-government organization (NGO)?
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a group that functions independently of any government, which is usually non-profit. NGOs, also called civil society...
INGO in Nepal: INGO Registration Process in Nepal
Law Governing INGOs in Nepal/Legal Regime Governing INGOs in Nepal/INGO Operation in Nepal/INGO registration in Nepal
The primary laws governing INGOs in Nepal are the Social Welfare Act of 1992 and the Social Welfare Council Rules of 1992. These legislations regulate and oversee INGO operations within the country’s boundaries, providing a legal framework for establishment,...